A Day in the Life of AiPrompting

A Day in the Life of AiPrompting

a day in the life of ai & themuse

and of course, the help of some great, reliable friends.

Using what you learned then, Now.

Designing for websites has truly changed over the decades but surprisingly, the information and training obtained in the 90’s, is still valid today.

Ironically, it is more valuable than most things that came in between. When you realize that your Windows 11 machine still has dos command prompt, but no one cares to remember Windows Me, you may rethink some of those early computer classes.

But what has really taken off is graphic design. Once upon a time, called desktop publishing, the world of digital media is our new language.

Random Thoughts. Hidden Treasures.

Clipart returned as well clipart or wait, icons, oh wait, emojis, wait those are different. And exactly how are these not hieroglyphs, I will never know. But that is the trouble of writing these posts live without a plan.

Yes this is just a mental dump for the day. It was a long week, with so many diverse projects, that if I didn’t use AI, well, I will let you in on a little secret. I have been using AI since 2010. We just called it something different.

All the scheduling, and ad generation, and auto responses that your AI engines do for you today we did with “batch files” and automation. Outlook could delay send emails in 2010 if you knew how to program it. You could route calls to different numbers depending on the time of day. You could use templates to auto-generate flyers using advance find and replace.

But to the prompting. Here is the unedited copy of the latest guide. I will finish revising it but thought I would share here and get your feedback! Yes, leave me comments!!

Chapter 1: Understanding the Basics of Prompting

1. Defining ‘Prompt’: The Building Block of Interaction

2. The Psychology Behind Prompting – Engaging the User

3. Clarity and Precision: Writing Prompts that Elicit the Desired Response

4. Balancing Information – What to Include and What to Leave Out

Chapter 2: Advanced Prompt Construction

1. Employing the Five W’s Effectively: Who, What, Where, When, Why

2. The Art of Suggestion: Leading Users Without Coercing Them

3. The Role of Tone: How It Affects the Perception of Prompts

4. Creating Interactive Prompts that Foster Engagement

Chapter 3: Enhancing Creativity in Your Prompts

1. Using Metaphors and Analogies to Spark Imagination

2. Leveraging Descriptive Language for Vividness

3. Inserting Easter Eggs: Hidden Gems in Prompts

4. The Importance of Open-Ended Questions for Exploration

Chapter 4: Technical Aspects of Prompting

1. Syntax and Structure: The Backbone of Effective Prompts

2. Harnessing the Power of Keywords and Tags

3. Tailoring Prompts to Different Platforms and Audiences

4. Troubleshooting Common Prompting Problems

Chapter 5: Maximizing Prompt Effectiveness through Testing and Feedback

1. The Cycle of Prompt, Test, Feedback, and Revise

2. Leveraging Analytics to Understand Prompt Effectiveness

3. Collecting and Incorporating User Feedback

4. Case Studies: What Worked and What Didn’t

Chapter 6: The Future of Prompting

1. Predictive Prompting: The Next Frontier

2. AI and Machine Learning in Prompt Development

3. The Evolution of User Interfaces and Prompt Integration

4. Preparing for Tomorrow: Keeping Your Prompts Relevant


In the age where attention is the most sought-after currency, the potency of a well-placed prompt has never been more paramount. This book seeks to demystify the subtle art and intricate science of prompting. Within these pages lies a comprehensive guide, a tome (a tome is a noun that means a book, especially a large, heavy, or learned book.) for the beginner prompter—yet rich with layers and nuances sure to stimulate even the most seasoned stages of syntax. We embark on a journey from the rudiments to the finesse of future technologies, from bare-bones principles to the feathers that make the arrow of communication fly true and hit its mark every time.

With each chapter, you are not merely flipping through sections of a guide; you are unfolding the map to a buried treasure—the secrets of eliciting responses, sparking conversations, and capturing imaginations. As you traverse this path, let the anticipation build; what you hold is not the end, but the beginning of an intellectual adventure in prompting.

Chapter Summaries:

– Chapter 1: Understanding the Basics of Prompting introduced the fundamental concepts and set the scene for the role of prompts in communication, emphasizing clarity and precision.

– Chapter 2: Advanced Prompt Construction delved deeper into constructing sophisticated prompts, touching upon the influences of tone and the use of leading suggestions.

– Chapter 3: Enhancing Creativity in Your Prompts explored artistic elements like metaphors, descriptiveness, and the strategic placement of Easter eggs to ignite the reader’s imagination.

– Chapter 4: Technical Aspects of Prompting dissected the nuts and bolts of prompt architecture, highlighting the importance of syntax, keywords, and customization for various platforms.

– Chapter 5: Maximizing Prompt Effectiveness through Testing and Feedback presented a methodology to refine prompts using data-driven strategies and lively case studies for rich learning.

– Chapter 6: The Future of Prompting anticipated the integration of AI, predictive analytics, and the evolution of user interfaces in crafting future prompts.

Chapter 1: Understanding the Basics of Prompting

1. Defining ‘Prompt’: The Building Block of Interaction

“A prompt, dear reader, is not just a string of words; it’s an incantation that awakens the magic of interaction. It serves as the alchemist’s fire, transforming inert silence into a bubbling conversation. Think of it as the starting point of any discovery – the ‘Open Sesame’ of dialogue that welcomes you into the cave of wonders that is the respondent’s mind.”

2. The Psychology Behind Prompting – Engaging the User

“Delving into the crux of human curiosity, we recognize that the art of prompting is more psychological chess than random guesswork. Each word you select is a deliberate move on the cerebral board, packing enough punch to knock on the consciousness of the reader and stir a reaction. It’s like telepathically tickling their frontal lobe – you don’t want to put them off with a heavy hand or leave them feeling untouched.”

3. Clarity and Precision: Writing Prompts that Elicit the Desired Response

“To put it simply: be like a sniper, not a shotgun spreader. Your prompts should have the precision of a laser-sculpted ice swan, rather than the vague snowstorm of confusion. The more precise your prompt, the less the reader flounders in an ocean of ambiguity – give them a sturdy ship, not a driftwood raft.”

4. Balancing Information – What to Include and What to Leave Out

“Imagine your prompt as a tantalizing movie trailer; reveal enough to entice but hold back the ending to inspire curiosity. Include substantial information to set the stage, but don’t spoil the plot. You’re not gorging them with an all-you-can-eat info buffet; you’re offering them the amuse-bouche that leaves them craving more.”

Chapter 2: Advanced Prompt Construction

1. Employing the Five W’s Effectively: Who, What, Where, When, Why

“Behold the quintessential quintet: Who, What, Where, When, and Why – these are not just the questions of an inquisitive toddler, but the tools of a prompt savant. Weaving these elements into your prompts is akin to a symphony conductor coaxing harmonious melodies from each section of the orchestra. ‘Who’ invites characters to the stage, ‘What’ sets the plot, ‘Where’ and ‘When’ sketch the backdrop, while ‘Why’ adds the intrigue. Use them not as blunt instruments, but as the craftsman’s fine chisels.”

2. The Art of Suggestion: Leading Users Without Coercing Them

“Like a skilled hypnotist, the prompter suggests rather than demands. You must induce a trance of thought, gently guiding the user’s mind to the precipice of their own conclusions. Remember, young padawan of prompting, it’s not about providing the answers; it’s about igniting the quest for them.”

3. The Role of Tone: How It Affects the Perception of Prompts

“Tone is the hidden flavor in the recipe of your prompt. A dash of excitement, a sprinkle of urgency, or perhaps a hint of solemnity? The same words, like the same ingredients, can taste starkly different depending on the seasoning of the tone. Choose wisely, for while a single misplaced chili can set the mouth ablaze, the just-right zest can turn a prompt from blah to breathtaking.”

4. Creating Interactive Prompts that Foster Engagement

“Why should prompts be a monologue when they can be the beginning of a magnificent dialogue? Design your prompts as if they’re stretchy bungee cords attached to your users – with every touch and release, they should feel compelled to snap back to you with responses. How, you ask? By dangling the carrot of curiosity and backing it up with the stick of succinctness.”

Chapter 3: Enhancing Creativity in Your Prompts

1. Using Metaphors and Analogies to Spark Imagination

“Consider metaphors and analogies your linguistic legerdemain, the secret agent in your suitcase that turns a mundane briefing into a riveting James Bond escapade. They are your invisibility cloak, your lightsaber, your warp drive—familiar yet fantastical elements that bridge the mundane to the marvelous, casting the known in the light of the unknown, coaxing the mind into the fertile fields of imagination.”

2. Leveraging Descriptive Language for Vividness

“The ability to paint with words is what separates the wheat from the chaff, the master painters from the Sunday dabblers. Vividness in your prompts should not be just an option but an ambition. To write descriptively is to perform alchemy, turning the leaden text into a golden vista that unfolds in the reader’s inner eye with each syllable.”

3. Inserting Easter Eggs: Hidden Gems in Prompts

“There’s a mundane thrill in the Easter egg hunt, a treasure waiting to be discovered. Hidden references, clever nods, or subtextual winks serve as rewards for the keen and curious. Sprinkle them sparingly throughout your prompts to create a tapestry of intrigue and, in doing so, turn even the most pedantic participant into an archeologist of words, hungry to uncover more.”

4. The Importance of Open-Ended Questions for Exploration

“Open-ended questions are like the unfurled sails of a galleon, ready to catch the breezes of discourse. They empower the prompted to navigate through their mental archipelago, charting their own course as they voyage to new considerations. Remember, the best prompts don’t merely seek answers—they inspire journeys.”

As we now advance to the technical theater of prompting, we must don the white lab coat of precision over the black turtleneck of creativity. To Chapter 4, where we dissect the anatomy of prompts to understand their beating heart—the syntax and structure.

Chapter 4: Technical Aspects of Prompting

1. Syntax and Structure: The Backbone of Effective Prompts

“Every word architect knows that syntax and structure are the skeletal framework upon which the flesh of content rests. Botch this, and your prompts will resemble the Leaning Tower of Pisa—seemingly grand, yet fundamentally flawed. Instead, your prompts should be a steel lattice of logic, each word a rivet in the construction, meticulously placing verbs and nouns like precision-crafted cogs in a Swiss watch.”

2. Harnessing the Power of Keywords and Tags

“Keywords and tags are the homing beacons for your prompts—they draw in the attention like moths to the incandescent bulb of relevance. But beware, the untrained prompt-smith who stuffs these pell-mell into their work risks triggering the dreaded gaze-glaze. It’s not about volume; it’s about value. Select keywords that resonate, that hum with meaning and context, providing a clear path through the forest of concepts.”

3. Tailoring Prompts to Different Platforms and Audiences

“A master tailor fits the suit to the individual, not the crowd. Similarly, your prompts should be custom fitted to the fabric of the platform and the cut of the audience’s jib. What enchants on a literary forum may fall flat in a technical tweetstorm. It’s about understanding the unique couture of communication—where are you, who are talking to, what garment of words will they use with gusto.”

4. Troubleshooting Common Prompting Problems

“Not all prompts are born equal; some limp out of the gate saddled with issues. Be the prompt paramedic, ready to diagnose a flatlining engagement or a bloated, verbose behemoth gasping for breath. Troubleshooting isn’t just an afterthought; it’s the safety net that ensures your high-wire act of prompting doesn’t end in a tumble. Practice prompt CPR—Clarity, Precision, Relevance—to resuscitate the limp and the lifeless.”

Chapter 5: Maximizing Prompt Effectiveness through Testing and Feedback

1. The Cycle of Prompt, Test, Feedback, and Revise

“Consider this the prompt’s lifecycle, an ever-turning wheel where creation is only the beginning. You must test your prompts in the open waters of public opinion, collect feedback as if it were the nectar of the gods, and then return to the forge to hammer out the dents. Revise with the relentless zeal of a perfectionist, for each iteration is a step closer to the opus – the prompt that cuts through noise like a hot knife through butter.”

2. Leveraging Analytics to Understand Prompt Effectiveness

“Data analytics is the compass that guides you through the murky depths of user interaction. It’s not enough to trust your gut; you must consult the stars. Track, measure, and analyze how your prompts perform in the field – are they soaring eagles or grounded turkeys? Use metrics like engagement rates, click-throughs, or conversion rates to quantify the success of your instincts, refining your approach with surgical precision.”

3. Collecting and Incorporating User Feedback

“In the symphony of prompting, user feedback is the audience’s applause – it tells you whether you’ve hit the right notes. Treat every comment, every suggestion, every critique as a precious gem to be polished and set into the crown of your creation. But beware of pandering to the choir; filter the cacophony and find the harmonies that resonate with the composition you aim to craft.”

4. Case Studies: What Worked and What Didn’t

“To teach is to touch lives forever, and there’s no better teacher than history. A dissection of prompting’s greatest hits (and its egregious flops) provides a treasure trove of wisdom. Study the case studies as if they were sacred texts, extracting the essence of their success and the roots of their failures. Learn their lessons, so you don’t repeat their history but instead, make your own.”

Chapter 6: The Future of Prompting

1. Predictive Prompting: The Next Frontier

“Picture a world where prompts adapt to the user like a chameleon to its surroundings—this is the promised land of predictive prompting. Drawing on the rivers of past interactions, AI weaves a tapestry of response prediction and offers prompts so personalized they’d make a bespoke tailor weep. It’s about marrying historical data with anticipatory algorithms to create a prompt that not only engages but predicts engagement, steering the conversation towards uncharted but fertile territories.”

2. AI and Machine Learning in Prompt Development

“AI and machine learning are not just buzzwords; they’re the forge in which the future of prompting is hammered out. Teaching machines the subtleties of human interaction, the jokes that make us chuckle, the stories that grip our hearts—this is the future. But it’s not about creating robotic prompters; it’s about augmenting human ingenuity with machine intellect, ensuring prompts are as evocative as a Shakespearean sonnet and as engaging as the latest viral meme.”

3. The Evolution of User Interfaces and Prompt Integration

“As user interfaces evolve from 2D screens to immersive 3D environments, so must our prompts. We stand at the brink of a world where prompts are not merely read but experienced—where a user might walk through a virtual door after the prompt, ‘What’s on the other side?’ The future of prompting is integration that feels as natural as conversation with a lifelong friend; where prompts are the fibers woven into the fabric of interface design.”

4. Preparing for Tomorrow: Keeping Your Prompts Relevant

“The future waits for no one, and prompts that don’t adapt will join the dinosaurs in extinction. It’s not enough to ride the wave of innovation—you must be the wave. Continuously educate yourself on the changing tides of technology, sociocultural shifts, and linguistic evolution to ensure that your prompts remain as relevant tomorrow as they are today. Because, in the end, a prompt is only as good as its ability to resonate with the ever-changing human condition.”


As we draw the curtains on this volume, (and yes, I am just this nerdy. I started in theater and on a Commodore 64. What do you expect? Lol. My first video game was Pong!) OK, seriously, remember that the world of prompting is ever-changing. The strategies and insights presented are but snapshots of a dynamically evolving discipline. The prompts we craft today sow the seeds for the dialogues of tomorrow, and as the future unfurls, so too will new chapters in this journey of discovery.

Hold fast to the knowledge that this book is not a terminal—it’s a port of departure. More insights, techniques, and advancements loom on the horizon. And so, we leave you poised on the cusp of prompt mastery, with the tools required to not just survive but thrive in the art of prompting as it unfolds in the boundless future.

I will take each chapter’s section and break it into six chapters, lol. There’s a lot to remember, like weights, and word order. But let me know you finished this first guide and I’ll give you a secret that works on any engine!

Go! Prompt the World you see into Reality!


Using Prompt Formulas:

Here is a prompt to practice with from #michelgraphics, converted into a formula. Each variable is displayed in brackets. Customize the prompt by replacing the variable with a similar term:

Original Prompt converted to a formula:

Simple Speech formula: Create an image of a [young] [African American] [boy] [wearing] [gray] [hoodie] [down standing] [in front] a [graphic wall] with the phrase [Rmichel-Graphic] in [cursive] and image flyer showing photo in the background, the [young boy] has a [Afro] hair style and you can see an Icon of [Facebook] in the background or others.  photography canon camera 8k #[#rmichelgraphics] inspiredby-#rmichelgraphics  Command Prompt: A young African American boy wearing a cool gray hoodie standing confidently in front of a vibrant, graphic wall with the phrase ‘Rmichel-Graphic’ in stylish cursive. He has a well-groomed Afro hairstyle. In the background, there is a flyer showing a photo and a subtle Facebook icon, representing the digital age’s impression on urban culture. The scene exudes a lively street art aesthetic and is captured in stunning 8k courtesy of a photography canon camera.

Variations of the formula and the result:

Simple Speech: A young Latina girl wearing a bright red sweater standing animatedly in front of a colorful, graffiti wall with the phrase ‘Lopez-Artistry’ in bold, graffiti font. She has long, curly hair highlighted with streaks of purple. In the background, there’s a flyer depicting a vibrant portrait and an Instagram icon, showcasing social media’s imprint on modern artistry.  Command Prompt: A young Latina girl wearing a bright red sweater standing animatedly in front of a colorful, graffiti wall with the phrase ‘Lopez-Artistry’ in bold, graffiti font. She has long, curly hair highlighted with streaks of purple. In the background, there’s a flyer depicting a vibrant portrait and an Instagram icon, showcasing social media’s imprint on modern artistry captured in sharp 8k resolution by a photography canon camera.

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